Thursday 28 January 2010

Kayak Polo

Nos Da from Wales!

Today I was lucky enough to join the Cardiff Kayaking club in their weekly practice sessions at a local pool. I though that I would be just fooling around in whitewater boats as people learned how to roll and do other kayaking skills to prepare for their upcoming river trip. I was surprised to learn that this club is not your everyday kayaking club. Every thursday, they play kayak polo, which is exactly what you think it is; water polo, but in kayaks.

Jackie and I played in two matches, each of which I believe is 15 minutes long. Needless to say it was a bit overwhelming, but also really really fun. I felt like I was being constantly yelled at for not having any idea what I was doing, but everyone on the team is incredibly friendly and seem to appreciate our enthusiasm for their sport. It's pretty tiring too, and I think it will be great practice for paddling on the rivers this spring, because basically all you do is constantly paddle, trying to fend of your opponents.

I look forward to perfecting my kayak polo skills this semester, as well as get to know a pretty fun group of people!

I miss you all,


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