Monday 8 March 2010

Meet the Group Mondays! Featuring: Zora McGinnis

Hello everyone, sorry for the break in the Meet the Group Mondays, we are back this week with Zora! yipee!

Name: Zora McGinnis

Major: Marine Science (or something like that, sorry Zora feel free to clarify)

Likes: Sailing, all things Canadian, the ocean, rowing, board games, diatoms, theatre, watching hockey, her boyfriend John :)

Dislikes: diatoms, copious amounts of monotonous mail. besides that, I cant think of Zora saying she dislikes anything at all!

Interesting Facts about Zora:

Zora hails from Nova Scotia, Canada! Which means she grew up in a sailing culture. Apparently, working and sailing with a (somewhat) crazy guy doing harbor tours is a right of passage in Zora's family.

Canada is a bit wilder than New York. Zora says she's seen a lynx outside of her house, but the Canadian forest ranger guys deny the possibility. Zora has seen a ton of moose as well. Im jealous.

She used to date a curler, and now just happens to know a lot of interesting things about curling. She enjoys watching it, but likes watching hockey more. She really was good at not gloating too much when Canada beat the US this winter. Apparently it isn't appropriate to make a lot of noise during curling matches... you just might get kicked out.

One of her friends (who just visited) is a tree surgeon! Apparently he has boots that can stop a chainsaw.

Zora works at the mail center at Colgate. It must be somewhat interesting seeing what kinds of mail people get, but having to put in those little generic cards into every mailbox would be hell.

How I met Zora: Well isn't this the story of the ages! Zora, John (Zora's boyfriend) and I sailed across the pacific ocean together this past summer with SEA after spending 4 weeks training in Woods Hole. It was amazing and an experience we won't soon forget! We frequently reminisce about our adventures aboard the Bobby C. They did a project on..... diatoms!

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