Wednesday 26 May 2010

Food Im going to Miss

As my term in Cardiff draws to a close, I thought I would do some fun little blogs about the wonderful things I ate this semester. (And I ate A LOT...a bit too much im sure.) I will only mention the horribly-bad-for-you food that can be found in the UK, though there is such food everywhere... it seems that every country has its own pastry, and each are equally good. In the UK, there are some things I am really going to miss that dont seem to be back in the good old US of A.

Fish and Chips- the classic, often served with vinegar and mushy peas. The best ones I had were actually in Dublin (NOT part of the UK). Chips are EVERYWHERE and very yummy.

Porridge- despite what Laura says, porridge is not the same as the oatmeal back in the states. Its better! The best porridge I had was at the B&B in North Wales, though I have been eating it daily practically.

Golden Syrup- great on porridge

Rice Pudding- Comes in a variety of flavors, just like yoghurt, and is amazing heated up. YUM

Stuffed Baguettes- especially if from bagels and bagettes, a little shop close to the Student Union here.

Quorn- some type of mushroom fungal protein that is made to look and taste like a meat product like chicken. Its actually quite good.

Flapjacks- Really really bad for you granola bar with lots of gooey sugar and butter

Welsh cakes- little pancake type things with raisins. We just learned that they are traditionally server with cheese and jam!

Bangers and Mash- sausage and mash potatoes. Glamorgan sausages are vegetarian and are made from potatoes and leeks.

Proper English Breakfast- beans, tomatoes, potatoes, sausage, eggs, and other yummy things.

Brains- the beer of Wales. very good!

and my personal favorite....

Sticky Toffee Pudding- sounds as good as it tastes!

As you can see, not a lot of health food options here in wales. Oh well, its all quite tasty!

Back to Portugal next!! :)

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