Monday 15 February 2010

Meet the Group Mondays! Featuring: Jackie Gerson

Hello all,

As I have been writing this blog, I realized that I mention a lot of names of members of my study group without fully introducing them. Well these people have already had an enormous impact on my time here, and it is their experience as much as it is mine. As a result, I have decided to start a weekly expose of each member of the study group, starting with Jackie Gerson!

Name: Jackie Gerson

Major: Biochemistry

Likes: hiking, caving, skiing, kayaking, (well really anything outdoorsy), traveling, playing the harp, saving the environment, laughing, country music, board games

Dislikes: spicy food, chocolate, plastic water bottles, lab reports

Interesting facts about Jackie:

She can't go on a hiking trip without falling over. The good thing is, she just sits there and laughs it off.

She spent a summer teaching french in Africa.

She has become the unofficial study group travel guide/ trip planner. She is really well organized and has a get-it-done attitude which is great for all the traveling we are all trying to plan.

She spent her winter break skiing in the Chic Chocs, and claims it was the hardest thing she has ever done. You try skiing uphill in freezing weather with a pack on your back!

Last semester, she helped organize a green videos contest at Colgate. She is very active in the Green Scene, and eventually thinks she wants to do research in how climate change is impacting societies and ecosystems.

UPDATE: Jackie likes sunsets and hummingbirds, and randomly brings this up in casual conversation. So you also like long walks on the beach Jackie? hehe!

How I met Jackie: Jackie and I were in the same training class at Colgate's Outdoor Education, and we became really good friends when we went on a kayaking trip with a group of people in the Everglades, Florida! yipee!

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