Monday 12 April 2010

Meet the Group Mondays! Featuring: Laura Bostwick

: Laura Bostwick (or L Boss)

Major: Sociology

Likes: babies, crazy colored sunglasses, her blackberry, brick breaker, saving lives with Sammy, wearing her birthday suit, all kinds of frolicking, guidebooks

Dislikes: onions, snakes, being underground, grates in the sidewalk, dead things (especially if they are in grates under the ground!!), physics

Interesting Facts about Laura:

Laura went to boarding school, where she went through a hippie phase and frolicked about in the woods often.

Laura suffers from a chronic disease that we call baby fever; she often tries to steal cute small children that have british accents. Or just any kind of cute child, really. I first learned of this ailment when we were looking at a rugby store and she started gazing longingly at the adorable baby clothes with Welsh rugby sayings on them.

Laura is the L Boss of SOMAC. yeah saving lives. No big deal.

Laura has recently been mourning the loss of her beloved kindle. While trying to stuff her very very full backpack into a BMI baggage restriction bin on the way to Portugal, she cracked the screen. Well, at least she avoided paying the 30 pound baggage handling fee... stupid budget airlines!

Laura led us around Portugal with her "bible", which is essentially her Lets Go Europe guidebook. She learned that there is a wine in portugal known as vinho verde, which we all took to mean green wine. On one of our last days, we decided to try green wine and learn once and for all how it is made. Well when Laura asked if the wine was actually green, the man who owned the wine tasting bar told us that "we had a confusion.." The wine is not actually green, it is from a certain region of Portugal where it gets its name. oops.

How I Met Laura:

I met Laura first through Sammy, and I was pretty sure she didn't like me at all... until I learned that she is self-proclaimed at being bad at making friends. (Just to add on.... Laura has no memory of our meeting)When we arrived in Wales, we became instant friends because it is eerie how alike we are in some regards (its also eerie how awesome she is.) We spent a couple of extra days in Portugal wandering around a bit and we had an awesome time!

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