Tuesday 27 April 2010

Meet the Group TUESDAYS! Special Man Edition, Featuring: John Murmello!

Well after this post, I will have introduced two thirds of the men on this study group. (Dont worry, they love it).

Name: John Murmello

Major: Neuroscience

Likes: old bookstores (well any bookstore, really), philosophers, reading, steak, potatoes, Italian food, the Pope, running, procrastination, beer sampling, Stumble Upon

Dislikes: carrying cash with him, malfunctioning computers, spending money, taking the metro, Milan, the fact that he wont be twenty one when we get back from the states (wah wah wahhhhhhh)

Interesting things about John:

He is on a quest to see the Pope while we are in Europe. The bad news, his first attempt failed because it was Easter Weekend in Rome, which means about two bajillion other people want to see the Pope too. The good news, he's going back to Rome for attempt number two!

John is the resident king of procrastination and is proud of it. He started his last Welsh paper at 5:30 am and finished at 10 am.

He's an Eagle Scout! Casey Gorman went to his induction ceremony. Sweet! And it was Colgate Day! Super Sweet!

He is in EVERY CHOIR on Colgate's Campus. His favorite song that the choir sang last semester was about some creepy rider who lit buildings on fire. Cool song though, I went and heard the choir perform it and it was very good.

John is not looking forward to his job this summer... he doesnt get paid and has to watch videos of rats running around. Thrilling.

The only time he has ever had coffee was when he was finishing his neuroscience final paper. He thought it was disgusting. A true Italian who doesn't like coffee? hmmm... something is wrong with this picture.

In North Wales, John consumed about 8 to 9 servings of potatoes in one day, then declared he was never going to eat potatoes again. Then he ordered cheesy potato wedges the next day.
John went to Amsterdam by himself. That takes guts.

He can give Maria a run for her money in book reading speed.

How I met John:

Wales study group of course! I had no idea who any neuroscience majors were before I got here, now I know three! Its like seeing rare animals in the wild.

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