Friday 30 April 2010

Spring Break: Lagos, Portugal Day 1

Lagos, Portugal was the absolute best place to go for Spring Break. It is essentially a beach/ party town, but with a lot of the small town charm of a Portuguese fishing village.

The first morning we were there, we got up and went down to breakfast at the hostel, which was reported to be the best hostel breakfast in town. It was pretty good, and big enough that we could make a lunch out of it too, which we snuck out in our bags and pockets wrapped in napkins. We all were ready for the beach, and the weather did not disappoint. It was sunny and almost 70 degrees when we left the hostel, heading for the main beach in Lagos that stretches out for miles. We found a spot and settled down for a day of beach lounging. When we arrived at the beach, we were ecstatic; even though the weather in Wales had been pretty darn good the whole semester thus far, nothing compares to sand and sun and sea. We all ripped off our shoes, dropped our bags, and sprinted for the ocean, only to realize it was pretty darn cold. Some of us were smart enough to bring towel type things to the beach (I brought my sarong), but most of us just sprawled out on the sand and got a wee bit sandy. We all did a wide variety of activities while lounging on the beach; I read a fascinating book about Henrietta Lacks and HeLa cells, Ken and Maria listened to music, Laura napped and read, Sammy.... knitted..

I took a freakishly long walk with everyone except for Sammy and Maria; we were gone a good hour or two, and made it very far down the beach. We passed fishermen, ran a little in the surf, and even did some swimming. When we got back, Maria was completely tan. Amazing. We went back to lounging and ken started digging a hole. We asked him what he was doing, and it was just that: digging a hole. We shrugged, considered it man time, and let him get to it. Eventually I got bored and started helping build a wall around the hole. It ended up being quite impressive: big enough for ken to sit in. When we were all a bit pink from the sun in odd places where we missed with our sunscreen, we headed up to one of the beach bars and had some Portuguese cocktails with brown sugar, lime, and some other delicious things. We then headed back to the hostel for showers and I got my first taste of Portuguese pastries. Let me tell you, they are amazing. We had been talking how we all needed to go on a diet after North Wales, and that simply went out the window. The pastry I got was basically a creme brulee in a pastry shell. it was so soooo good!

Speaking of the death of diets, we had a rule system in place for our trips together, and they have survived throughout the entire time we have been in Wales together.

RULE 1: No complaining once you leave the airport

RULE 2: NO talking about homework of any kind

RULE 3: The PC version: Always use the buddy system

RULE 4: No diet talk.

There are more, but the first three are pretty set in stone, and we did a pretty good job of following them once they were installed.

After our cocktails, we went back to the hostel for showers, then played some "idiot", which is a card game that Sammy, Ken, Laura, and Maria learned from some drunk and very friendly Norwegians in Amsterdam. Then we went to dinner at Casa Rosa, where we did the power hour, which involved drinking as much beer and wine as we could in an hour while eating dinner. Woah. I think we all made it through quite a few pints, and we were quite full of cheer when we left. Ken even leapt up into an orange tree to collect us some oranges. What a gentleman! We then went back to the Hostel and promptly fell sound asleep. Definitely a day of spring break done right.

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